Gypsumation Fall 2023



A Closer Look at Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories

What does the OSHA NRTL program have to do with gypsum panels and systems? Hint: Absolutely nothing. Find out why it matters.
Read more.



GA-216 Explained: Gaps and Bottom Edge Spacing

This video highlights an important section in GA-216-2021 Application and Finishing of Gypsum Panel Products. Numerous questions about appropriate gap and edge spacing when installing gypsum wallboard are addressed by GA staffer Vianney Herrera.


GA-214-2021 Levels of Finish for Gypsum Panel Products Translated into Spanish and French

For the first time, the Gypsum Association has translated GA-214-2021 Levels of Finish for Gypsum Panel Products and its companion Quick Reference Guide (QRG) into both French and Spanish.

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Pivot to Video

This article takes readers “Behind the Scenes with GA’s Video Maker.”



GA Offers New Live Education Session

In October, the Gypsum Association presented a new live education session at the New England Building Officials Education Association (NEBOEA) 2023 Educational Conference at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Read more


Who We Saw At Greenbuild

Networking has always been an important part of Greenbuild and this year’s convention in Washington, D.C., was no exception. A glimpse into some of the GA’s contacts and conversations at the show. Read more



Look for us in Fine Homebuilding

Introducing the GA to another group of building professionals. Read more



At the airport for departureOut & About with the GA

Where we have been and where we are going next. Read more