Gypsumation Spring 2024


Glass Mat Gypsum Sheathing in Residential Construction: A High-Performance, Code-Compliant Alternative to Traditional Materials

Glass mat gypsum sheathing has gained widespread acceptance in the commercial building sector. While glass mat gypsum sheathing is underused in residential construction, a code-compliant residence using this product offers distinct advantages. Learn more



Gypsum Association’s Michael Schmeida to Chair ASTM Committee E05

The Gypsum Association is pleased to announce that Michael Schmeida, MSc, LEED AP, the association’s Director of Codes, Standards and Research, has been named chair of Committee E05 on Fire Standards. Read More



The Gypsum Association is Pleased to Announce a New Associate Member

Panel Ray has joined the Association. View the GA Member page.


GA-216 Explained In Spanish: Gaps and Bottom Edge Spacing 

This Spanish language video highlights an important section in GA-216-2021 Application and Finishing of Gypsum Panel Products. Numerous questions about appropriate gap and edge spacing are addressed by GA staffer Vianney Herrera. Watch



Gypsum Shaftliner Panels: Fire Resistance, Sound Control, and Ease of Construction In Multifamily Dwellings

Gypsum area separation firewalls (ASWs) have been constructed for more than 35 years and are an excellent way to separate dwelling units in multi-unit residential construction—referred to as “townhouses” in the 2021 International Residential Code.  Read more




Opportunities for GA Education Expand

Greg Woolley continues to expanded GA offerings of virtual and in-person education for building code professionals. Learn more.




Recent FAQs

Is it appropriate to mix and match gypsum boards? Can I add OSB to a generic fire-rated gypsum wall system? The GA’s technical services department has the answers.



Out & About with the GA 

Staff have traveled to Florida, Nevada, Massachusetts and many other places recently. Find out what we’ve been up to.